DSC_9508 (2)DSC_9508 (2) S.I.S. stands for She is Stronger. Maybe she's just come through the other side of something...a divorce, a degree, an illness, a transition. Maybe she's just a single mom raising her kids, who struggles, but gets it done. Or maybe she would love photos of her family but just doesn't have it in the budget, right now. Whatever the situation, let's celebrate her. Nominate the woman who fits this description, and I will gift her and her family a 20 minute S.I.S. shoot. She will receive her high-res. images via email link, the next day. If you would like to have photos printed for her, let me know, so I can send you the link. If you need a printer that does quality work, I can recommend several. While this is not a dedicated charity, I am always grateful for donations that help me with gas, equipment wear and tear, and my time. I will make the shoots happen, regardless. Contributions are always welcome but never necessary. Everyone should have photos. Thank you! @Heidi-Hart-6 (Venmo handle)